Write a Letter to Marella! (KOTLC)

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Hi, and welcome to the quiz! In this quiz you write a letter to Marella and will get one of three results! This quiz doesn’t really contain many spoilers for KotLC, but still don’t take it if you haven’t read Nightfall yet, because it does have a spoiler for that.

Please don’t judge because this is one of our first quizzes so we are not as experienced as other quiz makers. If you haven’t read Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger, read it! It’s literally the best series ever!

Created by: Ultimate KOTLC Fans
  1. What do you start the letter with?
  2. How do you introduce yourself?
  3. Write some more.
  4. Ask Marella something.
  5. Say who your favorite KOTLC character is!
  6. Now put the place you would want to visit the most in the Lost Cities.
  7. Now pick the color of the envelope you want to send it in!
  8. How will you send it?
  9. Now, write some parting words.
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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