Would you Rather

Hiii!!! Pls enjoy my quiz I worked on it for hours but it’s pretty easy and nice don’t take the answer things to harsh my older sister made those so yeaa

Also this one is just for my thing to answer out so year ima just click don’t mind meeeee it off the screen 📺 it won’t be like 👍 lol 😆 it was black and white I don’t have it for a girl 👧🏻 lol 😆 I’m just gonna start a white black black brown brown green brown orange brown

Created by: Me iz me
  1. Would you rather eat poop or eat sewage water
  2. Would you rather go to Walmart or Dollar General
  3. Would you rather eat a worm or cricket
  4. Would you rather date your bro or crush
  5. Would you rather kiss the ground or your sister / brother
  6. Would you go swimming in a gross pond or gross pool
  7. Would you rather eat expired cheese or expired milk
  8. Would you rather ride a four wheeler or a Go Kart
  9. Would you rather wear blue and eat blue all day or wear black and eat black all day
  10. Would you rather eat poop or eat ice cream that tastes like poop

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