would you pass my smash test

hey dudebros this is my awesome quiz where i decide if you're smashable or not. expect the unexpected and don't think too much about answers!!! have fun

THIS IS MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE and it will VARY and there are answers that are different from other answers. as a quiz will usually have. in most cases

Created by: the glorper
  1. do you like anime
  2. how often do you goon
  3. do you draw at all
  4. what gender are you (this will affect score greatly) (don't take much offense)
  5. do you like reeses peesues (however you spell it) MORE THAN milk duds
  6. are you queer in any form of the word
  7. do u sleep with socks on or off
  8. how long is your hair (gender does not matter)
  9. cats or dogs
  10. what do you think you will get
  11. favorite video game
  12. choose a word
  13. Ok

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