Would I date you?

I really hate these stupid box things. Anyways, have fun taking my quiz. I hope you like it ^_^ Ohmygawsh, I didn't put a hint in this one :O

"I'm gonna take your quiz!" "O Rlly?" "Yurp!" "Well have fun!" "I will! U mad? U jelly?" "Hop off, boi!" "I don't need no lady person tellin me what to do, son!"

Created by: Emmajamme
  1. First off, did you take my first three quizzes?
  2. If you took my quizzes, did you do good?
  3. How often do we talk?
  4. Do you like my personality?
  5. Do we argue alot?
  6. How many crushes do I have?
  7. Would you give me flowers for no reason?
  8. Would my sexuality disturb you?
  9. Would you hit on other girls?
  10. Alright, last question. Do you think I'd date you?

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