WoF Love Story (girls only) part 1

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You have 7 results, one of them is “nobody”. I’m the next one of these I will try to make your name appear in it. When your name is there, you will see this symbol: §

I know it is hard to wait for the 14th book, “A Dangerous Gift”, but it will come out soon. I think it is already done, but nobody is selling it yet. Hopefully you will like this quiz!

Created by: iLuvCats#&22
  1. You wake up in the morning, walking into the library. You grab a scroll from
  2. You walk back to your cave, and Cliff was wide awake. “Someone has been in my mind!...” he whisper shouted. “I know two NightWings that could have mind reading. You say which name last?
  3. “Of course! It’s Clearstar! I heard him mumble in his sleep when I passed his cave, and Clearstar mumbled “wow, this mind is crowded with fear...”. You react like:
  4. Soon, it was lunchtime, and you grab your prey and sit by:
  5. You sit by them, and either MindController came over, or he whispered, “follow me”. You follow him into this beautiful secret area, and then...
  6. He took off horn ring and abruptly put it on you. Then, for some reason, all you could think about was him. You walked up to him and...WHAT!? You kissed him, and he kissed you back. Then, he led you to another secret area, and a black figure came up behind him. *THWACK* MindController fell to the ground, unconscious. You saw behind him...
  7. It was Clearstar!
  8. You two quickly walked out of the secret area and to the training area. “Your battle skills need to get awesome! Ok, I said that weird...”
  9. You two trained until lunch, and sat with the group, Quicksand, Bay, Cliff, and MindController. You see the new student, Winter Rose, sitting all alone, at a different table. Who do you bring to be safe from MindController
  10. You walk over to Winter Rose with them and he says “Hi...*whispers* your wings are the most beautiful wings I have ever seen...”. How do you respond?
  11. This is to see the other answers, and it’s why you will have a low percent chance of your first score. (DO NOT DO THIS IF IT IS YOUR FIRST ATTEMPT ON THIS QUIZ)

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