Winx club: which trix are you?

I hope you will enjoy this quiz. This quiz will show you which trix you are more like. I would recommend this quiz to girls as the results are girl characters but if you are a boy and want to do it , you can do it if you want. I am not forcing anyone to not do it.

This quiz is to see which trix you are more like from the winx club videos. If you are a winx club fan you will like this quiz. I hope you all enjoy. Have fun!

Created by: Victoria
  1. What is your hair color?
  2. What hair colour hair would you like
  3. What is your eye colour?
  4. What eye colour would you like
  5. If you had magic, what power would you have?
  6. What is your favourite colour?
  7. If you had a pet, which one would it be?
  8. Did you like the quiz ( does not affect score)
  9. Should i do more quizzes like this?
  10. Are you a winx club fan (does not affect score)

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Quiz topic: Winx club: which trix am I?
