Wings of Fire Ultimate Book 1-6 Quiz

HI! It's Eye Of Onyx again! You need to check out my new, Awesome-sauce quiz! I hope you like it you Wings of Fire quiz fans out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will need to have read books 1-6 if you are going to do this quiz, if you have not read them, I highly suggest that you go read them so you can do this quiz!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Eye Of Onyx
  1. In the first part of the 6th book, Queen Coral, mentions how many brothers Tsunami has. Exactly how many does She have?
  2. What does Queen Scarlet have every day for her and her guards amusement?
  3. In the first part of the second book of the series, who is the first SeaWing they meet?
  4. Who is the one killing off all the seawing heirs while there still in the egg???
  5. In the end of the 2nd book, what does Sunny keep calling Glory's venom? (It's actually acid!)
  6. Which tribes are the Dragonets of destiny?
  7. Who got Glory's egg?
  8. Who's the first dragon the the Dragonets saw die?
  9. Who's your favorite character??? (this will not effect your score)
  10. How would you rate this quiz??? (does not effect your score)

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