Wings of Fire Love Story

In this Quiz you will find Ivy's mate. She is a female LeafWing who is shy, kind and brave. She has secrets such as, she is a animus, her brother is a criminal to dragons...

Ivy wants to go to school. She wants to find love but she has many choices. Who shall she choose? It is up to you. Find her true love by taking this quiz.

Created by: WoF Quizzes
  1. You decide to enter Jade Mountain academy. When you first get into the main Area who is the first dragon you see?
  2. You decide to go sit by The SeaWing and the NightWing. "Hi!" The SeaWing says. "I'm Tide and this is Nightfall." "hi." You say as you sit down. What do you say back?
  3. As you walk down the hallway you realize that you dont know what class you have. The SandWing from Earlier calls to you, "We have the same class!" What do you do?
  4. When you get to class the teacher introduces everyone. "here we have: Nightfall the nightwing, Tide the SeaWing, Ocelot the RainWing, Sunset the SandWing, Flock, the MudWing, Flicker the SkyWing, Crystal the IceWing, Glimmer the SilkWing, Stonefly the HiveWing and Ivy the LeafWing." The teacher says. The teacher lets you pick who you want to work with. who do you choose?
  5. When you get to lunch who will you sit by?
  6. As you walk to you next class you run into a Large SkyWing. He pushes you against the wall. You are frightened and look for a way to escape. All of a sudden Flicker runs around the corner and tackles the SkyWing. the SkyWing growled. What do you say?
  7. When you get to the next class you notice that Flock is staring at you. He smiles. What do you do?
  8. That night when you go home you get into a fight with your brother. you scratch his stomach. he slams a vase on your head and you pass out. the next morning you wake up with a dark gash on your head. When you get to school Tide is there. "What happened?" He asks. What do you say?
  9. When you get to class Nightfall and Crystal ask you if you want to go swimming during recess. What do you say?
  10. After the next class Ocelot comes up to you and says: Wanna eat lunch with me?
  11. When you start to fly home Glimmer ask you, "can I fly with you?" What do you say?
  12. The next day you see Stonefly. "Hi Ivy." He says. "How are you?" What do you say?
  13. When you get to lunch you sit down next to your friends. When you get up to get more food. someone screams: "RUN!!!" Before you can move the kitchen explodes and you are the closest so you get knocked out. You wake up in the hospital, who do you first see?

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