Wings Of Fire Jade Mountain Love Story! (Part 4)

YAYAYAYAYAYYAAYAYAYYA IM BACK! This quiz took forever to make *sob* But! It was fun! I hope you enjoy Fennec and a NEW CHARACTER! Thanks so much for stopping by. Let the fun begin...

Frost, Yuki, Hawksbill, Cactus, Darkheart, Toucan, Garnet, Mallard or Yourself? Learn in PART 4 of my quiz series! YIPPEE! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!! ✿✿✿ ☆ ☆

Created by: GirrafePancakes
  1. You wake up on the ground. No one is around you. You sit up, flicking your tail. A cold breeze sifts through the dark room you are in, and two IceWings walk in. What do you do?
  2. Frost gasps and puts a cold talon on your wing. "Not again! Are you okay? Yuki, go get Clay!" He says The other IceWing- or Yuki, you assume-, nods and runs off. You...
  3. Yuki comes back with Tsunami. "Clay's busy with a RAINWING, blegh." She says. Frost nods and begins talking with Tsunami. Garnet walks in, makes a noise, and scurries towards you. "Fennec! Stop getting hurt!" She yells, but nicely. You...
  4. You insist that you don't need to go to the infirmary, and lucky for you, Tsunami listens. You walk to the board, and Kinkajou and Toucan are there. Toucan smiles at you, then his face falls. "I'm sorry I wasn't more brave." He says sadly.
  5. Webbed talons snatch you and drag you into a dark room. "Hey." Hawksbill says. "I'm sorry... I left a small RainWing to protect you." You open your mouth to say something, but before words could come out he kisses you on your snout. You...
  6. (If you yelled) Hawksbill's eyes water up, and a small tear drips down his face. "I get it." He says angrily. "I'm sorry for loving you." He storms out, hitting you with his tail. You...
  7. (If you kissed) Hawksbill chuckles. "Thank you, Fennec. I love you." You...
  8. After the moment with Hawksbill, you notice Darkheart, Cactus, and Yuki yelling at Toucan and Mallard. "Get out of here, stupid RainWing!" Yuki yells. Mallard opens up his wings to protect Toucan from them. "Freaks!" Cactus shouts. You..
  9. They all stop and look at you. Yuki sits down, Darkheart walks towards you, and Cactus walks away. Toucan runs, and Mallard stares. You...
  10. After that incident, you go to your cave, and lay down. The day is almost over. Tonight, you are safe, and no one attacks you. Who do you dream about?

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