Wings of Fire book 1 How much do you know?

Do you think you know a lot about the Wings of Fire series? How about Book 1? If you think you're the type of genius in this field, take this quiz!!!!

This quiz has over ten questions to test how much you really know about the book. I suggest you read the book first as there are spoilers or you might not do as well.

Created by: Blah
  1. Who does Tsunami pretend to be while acting out the war?
  2. What are the names of the guardians?
  3. Who will Kestrel try to kill?
  4. What is Starflight's advice to Clay when he swims in the river?
  5. What does Queen Scarlet kill when Clay and Tsunami meet her?
  6. Does Scarlet find the dragonets' cave?
  7. Does Scarlet find the dragonets' cave?
  8. Which guardian does Scarlet kill?
  9. Who does Scarlet keep prisoner in her castle?
  10. Who does Scarlet keep prisoner in her castle?
  11. How is Peril related to Kestrel?
  12. What is Clay's power?
  13. Who does Tsunami battle in the arena?
  14. Who goes with Clay to meet his family?
  15. Who does Blister kill in the epilogue?
  16. What is the name of the 2nd book?

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Quiz topic: Wings of Fire book 1 How much do I know? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Wings of Fire Quiz category.