Will You Survive the Nuclear Holocaust?

Since 1945, mankind has worried about the struggle between himself and the possibility of nuclear annihilation. This test has been assembled thoughtfully (and comically) in order to answer that question.

The Nuclear Weapons have Fallen! The super-powers of the earth have finally nuked themselves into oblivion! You are among a handful of lucky survivors! Do you have the skill to survive in a world gone totally mad?

Created by: Metalicon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you exercise/workout?
  2. How often do you go camping?
  3. Are you now, or have ever been part of the Armed Forces?
  4. Which one these survival tools is MOST important?
  5. What type of neighborhood do you live in?
  6. You turn on the news: NUKES ARE FALLING OUT OF THE SKY! What do you do?
  7. You've survived! You re-emerge onto the smoldering ruins that was civilization... What do you do?
  8. You're dangerously low on supplies; but where will you go?
  9. Survivors are becoming violent; you need a hard-hitting weapon! What should you pick?
  10. Bullets/Arrows don't last forever! You need devastating melee weapon... But what?
  11. You cannot stay anymore... you MUST leave! But what type of food should take with you?
  12. Transportation is important also; what's your choice?
  13. In route, you come across a girl dying from radiation poisoning... What do you do?
  14. While traveling, you are abused by a pack of mutant cannibals! WHAT DO YOU DO!
  15. You've survived the encounter; but your hand's been bitten... it's infected! What do you do?
  16. It's been weeks since your last meal. You come across a freshly dead corpse... you're starving; what will you do?
  17. During your travels; you are surrounded by a group of wayward bandits who demand "tribute" for safe passage... Your response?
  18. Overall, what motivates you to stay alive in this devastated world?

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive the Nuclear Holocaust?