Will you survive a zombie apocalypse?

Zombies... They're in movies, video games and now quizes! If you enjoy such things then take my quiz, we'll see how well you would do in such a very unlikely scenario!

I enjoy zombie video games and movies (they're one of biggest guilty pleasures), and if you do this quiz, (which I hope you do) then you may such a detestable thing as much as I!

Created by: Luap
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What gun would you take?
  2. You can take one more item... What is it?
  3. How long can you sprint for with a backpack carrying the extra item you chose and your gun?
  4. Who will you travel with?
  5. You meet another group of people, what do you do?
  6. One of your group members got bit, what do you do?
  7. Where would you sleep?
  8. You haven't had for a few days and you find your most hated food. What do you do?
  9. You've ran out of food, water, ammo and your first aid kit is lost, you find a store with all those things but you've only got time to take one. Which do you take?
  10. On a scale of 1-6 how likely is a zombie apocalypse?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a zombie apocalypse?