Will you survive?

Will you survive this quiz? Will you? Yes? Maybe? Absolutely not because you know nothing about survival? Find out by answering the questions honestly...

This is a second paragraph that will repeat the first one...Will you survive this quiz? Will you? Yes? Maybe? Absolutely not because you know nothing about survival? Find out by answering the questions honestly...

Created by: kiki123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do if a zombie grabbed and tried to choke you?
  2. What would you do if you woke up in horror movie in the part where you get killed by an intruder?
  3. If you were lost in the wilderness with nothing but your pet chicken, what would you do?
  4. A huge swarm of bees are coming towards you! What do you do?
  5. A rabid squirrel is coming at you. What do you do?
  6. You're in a boat that is sinking while sharks are surrounding the boat. And the nearest island is infested with spiders. What do you do? (you also have 3 items; a pocket knife, a flame thrower, and a lifejacket)
  7. Someone poops in front of your house! What do you do?
  8. An evil cat attempts to kill you. What do you do?
  9. Your hanging off an edge of a cliff and about to fall off. What do you do?
  10. You get a bad result on this test. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive?