Will this get lots of experience?

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I made this quiz purely to get experience and i want to see how well it works. taking this quiz is a noble feat and you should be proud of yourselves.

This quiz is a top notch quiz that deserves to be on the fron page because it's just that good. the skill and effort put into it is unmatched and unrivaled.

Created by: Faceless Knight
  1. will this work?
  2. if it works how well will it work?
  3. how many quizzes like these will we need to do?
  4. can i do a flip?
  5. am i god?
  6. should the gotoquiz leveling system tell us how it works more?
  7. should you rate this quiz 5/5?
  8. should you comment on this quiz?
  9. should you have your friends take this quiz?
  10. is this a good quiz?

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