Who would your KOTLC boyfriend be???

Hey guys! So I dont know why but I always like the ones like who would your boyfriend be if you were in this movie or book, I mean of course it s not serious its just for fun.

But... Yeah! Hope you guys had fun...ummm and check out my other quizzes! See ya guys on my next quiz that I make!So yeah...I am over and out. I guess. See ya sooon!

Created by: glitterbuttlover
  1. Who is your favorite animal on this list??
  2. Choose One:
  3. Who do you want your boyfriend to be?
  4. Choose One:
  5. What do you do when someone hurts you or your friend? (emotionally)
  6. What is Sophie allergic to?
  7. Choose One:
  8. Choose One:
  9. Hey Sparkly Duck! If you are taking the quiz, Choose an answer from 1-4!For the rest of you, choose your answer from 5-8
  10. Did you like this quiz??

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Quiz topic: Who would my KOTLC boyfriend be???
