Who's Your Soulmate? **(ALL AGES)**

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⚠REMEMBER:⚠ !!: THIS IS FOR ONLY ENTERTAINMENT!! it might be true it might not no hate if you get the wrong answer or the one u didn't want im rlly sorry if I'm coming off rude I'm just tryna be real

But if you didn't dont go on here and spread fake things and make it a bigger deal than it has to be this is my first time making a quiz and I'm not the best at things so if you don't like it womp womp

Created by: Allieeee
  1. Is he in your age range?
  2. Where did you meet/see him?
  3. Do you REALLY like him?
  4. Is he cute?
  5. does he like you back?
  6. do his friends like you?
  7. Do YOU like his friends?
  8. have you met his family?
  9. has HE met your family?
  10. what do you think your score will be? (won't affect!)

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Quiz topic: Who's my Soulmate? **(ALL AGES)**
