Who Killed Who?

Hehe...better finish watching Harry Potter...Oh! Hello citzens of Gotoquiz! This is Cherry Demon Fox presenting you with the most accurate Death quiz. I would like to see who you are at the end of my new quiz: Who is your Yule Ball Date?

There has been many complaints that I have only published two quizzes, but it takes time to finishe so please, every one, back. You can visit me on email or look at my Quotev account. Bye!

Created by: Cherry Demon Fox
  1. 1. Quirell?
  2. 2. The Philosopher's Stone?
  3. 3. Voldemort's "ghost form"?
  4. 4. Tom Riddle?
  5. 5. The Basilisk?
  6. 6. The Diary?
  7. 7. Scabbers?
  8. 8. Lily Potter?
  9. James Potter?
  10. Cedric Diggory?
  11. Bartemius Crouch Senior?
  12. Frank Bryce?
  13. Karkus?
  14. Sirius?
  15. Broderick Bode?
  16. Gibbon?
  17. Dumbledore?
  18. Montgomery?
  19. Snape?
  20. The Elder Wand?
  21. Lavender Brown?

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