Who Is Your Naruto Boyfriend? Second Quiz.

There are many hot Naruto boys out there. But one of them is made for you. All of these boys have different taste and style. Who are they? Take this quiz to find out. Have a brain. Take this quiz and find tour perfect match.

Do you know who you Naruto boy would be? If you don't then take this quiz to find out which one of them is for you. Each one one there boys are cool and unique in many ways. So whoever you got you should be happy with.

Created by: RueBenson

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok here is the story. You went out to the forest to write your diary because you got nothing to do and the forest is nice and calm. You wrote love notes and poems in your diary about a guy that you have a crush on you didn't write the guy's name anywhere in the diary because you are afraid your brother might find out or someone else. You have to go pee so you went to go find a bush. So... Who is your crush?
  2. Ok so you are done peeing and search your pockets for your diary. It isn't there. You just remembered that you left it next to a tree. You went back to go get it. As you are walking you rub your hands with hand sanitizer that smells like mixed berries. When you got there you didn't see your diary anywhere. Then you hear a laugh. You follow the laugh into the Hidden Flower Garden in the middle of the forest. When you got there you saw Naruto who is hiding in the roses at the middle of garden hold your diary and laughing. You told him to come out. He did. He walked forward you and ask who is this crush that you wrote about. You said:
  3. He gave you back your diary. He said that he is going to find out who this guy is and no one is gonna stop him. You put the diary in your pocket and run away from Naruto feeling embarrassed that he read your diary. As you were running you ran into Lee which cause you to fall landing on your butt. You said sorry and he said it's okay. He helped you got up. He asked you who were you running from. You told him what happened. He was so mad that he can beat up Naruto for you if you like. You say:
  4. One hour later you are walking down a path in the forest and bumped into Kiba. He ask you how you are doing. You said you are doing well. He asked you if you would like some beef jerky. You said:
  5. You decided to walk around for a little bit by yourself. The sunset is up. You went to go check it out. You found Sai sitting on the ground with his ink brush and custom scroll out on his hands. You asked him what is he doing. He said that the sunset is very beautiful. So beautiful that he could just draw millions of pictures of it. You sat next to him and watched him draw. He asked you what you think of his artwork. You said to him:
  6. Sai had to leave because Naruto came and said that they have an important mission to do. You and Sai said goodbye. Naruto winked at you and he and Sai left. You are alone. You watched the sunset then all the sudden Sasuke comes from behind a tree. You were about to scream for help but he put his hand on your mouth. When he took it off he said that he is not going to kill or hurt anyone. You asked him what is he doing here and why. He said that he wanted to talk to you alone. You said ok. So you guys went to the creek where no one is at right now. He told you why he left Konoha and about his revenge. You hung on every word. After he got done he said that he has to leave before anyone here sees him. He asked you not to tell anyone that he came here. Your response:
  7. So it is getting late now. You walked home. Too bad your house is far away from the forest! So as you walk you hear a voice behind you. It said "hey wait up you dropped this". You turn around and saw Neji holding up your diary. You quickly grabbed it out from his hand. He said not to worry he didn't look inside it or anything. You said sorry for your rudeness. He said that it was ok. He asked you if you would like to train with him the next day or two. You said:
  8. It is so late now. Neji said goodbye to you and you continued your walk back home. You walked past this huge shop and saw something or someone up there. You went to go check it out. When you got up you found out that it was Gaara who has been up here. You went up to him and said hi and how is he doing and stuff. He said that he just came to the hidden leaf village because this place is very nice. You were so surprise to hear him say that sort of stuff. You then blush. You two talked for an hour or two. You guys talked about his childhood and about the people who hated him. Everyone hated him everyone left him all alone. He ask you if you are ever going to leave him. Your response:
  9. It is so late now. Neji said goodbye to you and you continued your walk back home. You walked past this huge shop and saw something or someone up there. You went to go check it out. When you got up you found out that it was Gaara who has been up here. You went up to him and said hi and how is he doing and stuff. He said that he just came to the hidden leaf village because this place is very nice. You were so surprise to hear him say that sort of stuff. You then blush. You two talked for an hour or two. You guys talked about his childhood and about the people who hated him. Everyone hated him everyone left him all alone. He ask you if you are ever going to leave him. Your response:
  10. So how did you like my second quiz? Pretty cool huh? So who do you think is cute and what do you think of this quiz.

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Quiz topic: Who Is my Naruto Boyfriend? Second Quiz.