Who Are You? OwO

Who are you? Are you mean, are you nice, are you in between? Take this quiz to find out! Heads-up: I rigged the results, so no matter what you pick...

you'll get either Bubbly and Fun, Fantastical, Sprinkly Person, or An Amazing Person. Since, you know, I make 100% accurate quizzes! ^^ Seriously, though. This one's gonna be accurate.

Created by: Fallmaple
  1. So, don't kill me. What's your favorite color?
  2. What's your zodiac sign? (If yours isn't listed, select 'Other'.)
  3. What's your favorite color? (Legit this time XD)
  4. Would You Rather…
  5. Hedgehogs or sloths?
  6. Intelligent or outgoing?
  7. Introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
  8. Witty, smart, creative, knowledgeable. Pick a word.
  9. Fate
  10. Death

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Quiz topic: Who am I? OwO
