Who are U more like, Bob the Wall or Larry the Chair, XD?

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Me/K: This is a quiz about the AMAZING Larry and Bob! I tried my best so DON'T hate me! Credit to Derecho for the quiz idea! THX A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me/K: Also, Cinnamon_Roll created the names for them so Shout Out to her for it! I thank her and now let's start this quiz! Simple, your either a wall or chair, XD!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: Um, so yeah, first off, which is better?
  2. Me/K: Pick an object you would talk to?
  3. Me/K: Are you more like Shadow or Sonic?
  4. Me/K: Which would you rather play?
  5. Me/K: Are you more positive or more negative?
  6. Me/K: Do you want to travel?
  7. Me/K: What do you call a triangular stack of cats? A Purrr-amid
  8. Me/K: Which would you be?
  9. Me/K: Would you want people to hug you?
  10. Me/K: What would you do if you and your friends didn't finish an IMPORTANT assignment in school on time?
  11. Me/K: Also, the names for the wall and chair are by Cinnamon_Roll! She is so kind and awesome so check out her account!
  12. Me/K: Also, I don't get all the credit for this quiz, Derecho gave me the idea so thank him for it, I just put his thoughts into a quiz! So check his account out!

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