Which wof hero are you? (Phyrria)

This is a wof heros quiz, so it has all the "heroes" from Phyrria. This is my second quiz, so again if there is anything wrong with it pls let me know so I can fix it.

You can get Clay, Tsunami, Glory, Sunny, Moon, Winter, Peril, Turtle or Qibli. (Yes you can't get Starflight, bc I hate that dumb blasted nerdy nightwing.) Hope you enjoy my quiz!!

Created by: Moonwatcher
  1. Where would you go on vacation?
  2. What would you do at a new school?
  3. Which characteristic would you describe yourself with?
  4. Choose the one that sounds the most appealing.
  5. Favorite color?
  6. How many people are in your friend group?
  7. What do you do if someone pokes you?
  8. Which one is you favorite tribe?
  9. Are you a black cat or golden retriever? (A black cat is a more independent and shy person, and a retriever is a more outgoing and playful person.)
  10. Choose your favorite mineral.

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Quiz topic: Which wof hero am I? (Phyrria)
