Which Wizarding School Are You In?

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Hi there! I am a huge Harry Potter fan, so I decided to create a quiz to see which school you (and I) are destined for! Maybe that letter will turn up on your doorstep. Who knows?

Please help by rating and commenting, plus doing my other quizzes. (Idea: What Percent Luna Lovegood Are You? and Which Harry Potter Girl Are You: A Hogwarts Story trended for ages.)

Created by: ginnyandluna
  1. Hi there! :)
  2. Who would be your Harry Potter best friend (boys):
  3. Who would be your Harry Potter best friend (girls)?
  4. Who would be your Harry Potter crush (boys):
  5. Who would be your Harry Potter crush (girls)?
  6. Pick an outfit (boys):
  7. Pick an outfit (girls):
  8. Pick a colour set:
  9. Pick an item:
  10. Bye! Pls comment and rate :)

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Quiz topic: Which Wizarding School am I In?
