Which wizard school do you belong in?

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This quiz only has the triwizard tournament competing schools. This is to help sort you based on your qualities, not which school you would prefer to be in.

There are only three options of schools to be sorted into. They are Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Beauxbatons academy of magic and Durmstrang institute.

Created by: Hp quizzes
  1. What would your wand core be?
  2. What animal would your patronus be?
  3. Pick a potion to bring with you on a dangerous mission.
  4. Describe yourself
  5. After a stressful day which would you rather do?
  6. Which triwizard task would you rather face?
  7. In class what are you most likely to be doing?
  8. What are you looking for from your wands performance?
  9. Someone is attacking you the first spell that comes to mind is...
  10. What is your Hogwarts house?

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Quiz topic: Which wizard school do I belong in?
