Which wings of fire carecter are you?

Do you love wings of fire if you do you would really like this quiz it’s awesome have you ever wondered which wings of fire carrecter you would be well I have and finally you can find out

Wings of fire is a awesome book series I’m on the 7 th book and my favorite carrecter is fatespeaker when you take this quiz your results are the draganets of destiny I hope you enjoy the quiz -fatespeaker

Created by: Fatespeaker
  1. Would you fight a hundred icewings
  2. Which dragon do you care about most
  3. What type of dragon are you
  4. Whats your motive
  5. What is your favorite carector
  6. Which books your favorite
  7. What is your favorite coler
  8. Which princess do you support
  9. Who do you wish you could be best friends with
  10. Fruit or meat

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Quiz topic: Which wings of fire carecter am I?
