Which warrior cat oc of mine are you?

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I hope you liked the quiz. It was my first one and I have fun making it. Please comment. Oh and I try to match genders to character so if you didn't get who want i'm sorry. In the future you can also be a none binary cat.

Comment if you got Cream star of shoreclan, Darkshell of sandclan, Flower moon of sandclan, goldenheart of oceanclan, jaywing of Oceanclan, or graysun of shoreclan.Next quiz you will be available to get volekit, moonkit, earthkit, or sandykit. In the love story the cats you can like are volepaw ,moon paw, earthpaw, or sandypaw I worked really hard on this quiz so I hope you like it.

Created by: StreamPaw
  1. Hi I'm Steam paw an apprentice of shoreclan. I have a crush on cream stars kit, volekit
  2. Ok an do question. You are patrolling and a badger comes out of the bushes. What do you do
  3. Another rp. Your mate and best friend are hanging out what do you do.
  4. You see a sturgling kit by the border but its from shellclan what do u do
  5. Which clan
  6. Do u want kits
  7. Which prefix
  8. What sufix
  9. Ok gender
  10. What age
  11. How do u like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which warrior cat oc of mine am I?
