Which warrior cat are you?

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Which warrior cat are you most like? Answer all these questions and find out. These question will show your personality and determine which warrior cat you are most like!

DO you love warriors? Do you have what it takes to take this quiz? Find out now and take this awesome quiz. Now just take a few minutes and see which warrior cat you are!

Created by: Katelyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather...
  2. A rival Clan is attacking yours! You see your mate, your best friend, the leader, and the Clan's deputy but not your favorite warrior all struggling under enemy warriors. Who do you save?
  3. What color are your eyes?
  4. Who is your best friend?
  5. Who is your mate?
  6. You meet a friendly loner. How do you greet it?
  7. What is your favorite meal?
  8. How would you rather die?
  9. Will you rate, comment, or both?
  10. How did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which warrior cat am I?