Which Usurper member are you?

Usurper is a driving force of true underground heavy metal. Usurper are collectively a powerful band with cohesive look and sound. But within this band there are four distinct personalities.

So you claim to be a Usurper fan? You think you have the personality to hang with these wild-men? BUT,do you think you could actually handle being PART of this insane band? Well this quiz will dissect your personality and traits and actually scientifically formulate which Usurper band member you are most like.

Created by: Senior Provolone
  1. Do you like to drink?
  2. When you drink, where do you like to go?
  3. Describe your intelligence level:
  4. What best describes your hygiene:
  5. How's your personality?
  6. Out of the following options, what's your favorite s---ty American beer?
  7. Of the following non-metal bands, who's your favorite?
  8. What is your favorite type of monster/supernatural creature?
  9. What kind of supernatural powers would you like to have or do have?
  10. Out of the following Death Metal bands, who's your favorite?
  11. Out of the following guitarists, who's your favorite?
  12. Favorite past-time/hobby:
  13. (For Guys only): Favorite type of woman:
  14. How do you best handle stressful situations?

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Quiz topic: Which Usurper member am I?