Which Total Drama character are you?

This quiz will show you which Total Drama character you are. It only has four results, but if you want to if you are more like Cody or Mike for example, this is the quiz for you. They are in this quiz.

Well, you will answer a few questions about Total Drama, and who knows what you will think about the quiz. Anyway, it is time for you to take the quiz. Have fun!

Created by: Emmie
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. Which main villain is your favorite?
  3. Which of Mike's personalities do you like best?
  4. Which Total Drama Couple is your favorite?
  5. Which contestant of the final four of Total Drama World Tour should have won in your opinion?
  6. Do you like Gwen?
  7. Do you think Dave is a bad match with Sky?
  8. Do you like Heather?
  9. Would you rather win Total Drama Island, or Total Drama World Tour?
  10. Lastly, who would be your best friend if you were on the show?

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Quiz topic: Which Total Drama character am I?
