Which TMI character are you?

Basically, it does what it says. It tells you which Mortal Instruments character you are most like. If I get it wrong, don't blame me. If you want a specific character, go for what they would pick.

As i have said, the quiz is only around 72% accurate. But.... it is still fun. And tmi is cool, so why not take this! Comment after you have played....

Created by: Bella
  1. Hi!
  2. So.. favourite weapon?
  3. Time for roleplay! You lose your favourite thing. What do you do?
  4. You see Emma Carstaira crying. What do you do?
  5. Hair colour?
  6. Eyes?
  7. Favourite character? This will not be your result.
  8. Pick an adjective...
  9. Which outfit appeals most to you?
  10. Finally... you see a demon!

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Quiz topic: Which TMI character am I?
