Which Terraria NPC Are You?

There many games that people play everyday and this one is about Terraria some people love this. What is Terraria you say? Terraria is a 2D game where you can do anything you want it is Minecraft in 2D but better!

Are you a Guide, Nurse, Party Girl, Pirate or Mechanic type person. Right now you can only wonder what you will be but in a few minutes you will find out who you are in Terraria?

Created by: MatthewR
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do if your friend is in danger?
  2. Would you rather help a stranger fighting a weaker boss or a friend fighting a super strong boss?
  3. A Skeletron Prime boss is attacking the city What do you do?
  4. What is your favorite thing?
  5. Do you like Dying in Terraria?
  6. What do you really want right now but still in the future 1.3 Update?
  7. Do you want to help others?
  8. Your house is attacked by King slime what do you do?
  9. Do you like this quiz I made?
  10. Ok last question do you like Terraria.

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Quiz topic: Which Terraria NPC am I?