Which super power do you have (you might not have one)?

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Warning: This quiz may not have all of the powers you want, or the results you want, but I hope you get the one you want. Sorry if you don't get what you want.

Also, if you want to know, this is my first ever quiz, so please excuse how I did not put a lot of questions in the quiz, because I did not want to put a lot of thought into this. Just to know, I AM NOT LAZY!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Coolcaden26
  1. (Won't effect quiz) Which power would you want? All of the answers are results.
  2. How would you break into a bank?
  3. Favorite color? THIS WILL EFFECT THE QUIZ
  4. Would you rather fight an alien, regular person, or monster
  5. If you had to pick, what would you do in a robot invasion?
  6. A man tells you that you will get super powers in 2 weeks. What would you say?
  7. Someone calls "Help!" You say,
  8. What kind of vehicle would you want?
  9. Favorite super hero?
  10. Should Hawkeye be an Avenger?

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Quiz topic: Which super power do I have (you might not have one)?
