Which Starshine Character Are You?

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Gather in the realm of Spelwynn, where a group of young friends live. Perhaps you're like upbeat Stella, or more of an introvert like Shizen? Maybe you're brave like Lushiria, or sarcastic like Zed? Possibly even energetic like Sandra, or more rational like her twin Sander?

Well, now you can know who among them you are the most similar to by taking this quiz! Enjoy, pick carefully, and remember that this is all just for fun. (Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst and all characters listed are my own. !NO PLAGARISM!)

Created by: CC of @eetishmeh on Instagram
(your link here more info)
  1. When in a library or a bookstore, you see the below titles. Which intrigues you to pick it up first? (Note: These are titles I made up. If books/movies like these really exist, they hold no connotation.)
  2. Of those listed below, what genre of stories are you most into? (Regardless of medium.)
  3. Which of these three subplots do you enjoy most? (Subplots are the side plots in stories which go beside and are simpler the main plot and usually affect the main storyline only moderately.)
  4. Which of the below would be the most appealing when you're angry?
  5. Choose a shade of pink! Random, I know.
  6. How would you describe your personality in one trait?
  7. What is a negative trait you'd say you have?
  8. What is something you look for in a friend?
  9. If your friends had to fit you into one of the below categories, which do you think you'd end up in?
  10. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you enjoy social interaction?
  11. Who do you think you'll get, as of now? Also I can't see your answers or results, so message me who you got LOL.

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Quiz topic: Which Starshine Character am I?
