Which Star Soccer Player Are You?

Here you will see which soccer player you are and your attributes. You will also see if you have potential. You will ALSO see what is wrong or if you get messi you'll see the problem.

I don't want any insults because this is only my second quiz and I'm not that old, I accept feedback but no annoying feedback and if you do like my quiz and put insults I won't make another.

Created by: o.t.
  1. Are you fast?
  2. Are you aggressive?
  3. Do you like scoring or assisting?
  4. Where were you born? If not out of these countries click none.
  5. What would you like to be your first goal?
  6. What is your favorite position to play?
  7. Are you tall?
  8. What will you do after soccer?
  9. Do you like playing soccer?
  10. What will you do with your money?

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Quiz topic: Which Star Soccer Player am I?
