Which spiritual wolf are you.

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Hello there I’m K K, I have made a quiz for you, you will find out which spiritual wolf you are, (by the way, there are two or more wolves per result, you can choose which one you are,)

Well I’m not gonna keep you, I know you want to get to the quiz, so I hope that you enjoy it and please know that I worked hard on this, read the questions carefully, bye for now.

Created by: K K
  1. Your age
  2. You’re alone, but you can’t seem to think straight, why?
  3. Some one is attacking the alpha, what do you do,
  4. You see a pup trapped in a corner and a loner is trying to kill it.
  5. It’s a party! What do you do.
  6. Do you want puppies
  7. “What is the first thing you want to learn.” Your mentor asks.
  8. Favorite prey
  9. A crisis! Who do you trust?
  10. Someone is challenging you for your mate, what do you do
  11. Who do you want to be
  12. Your favorite color
  13. How many puppies do you want
  14. What’s always in your head/heart/mind/soul
  15. Did you like my quiz
  16. Will you check out my other quizzes, which of my dogs are you, which of my cats are you, and who am I really?

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Quiz topic: Which spiritual wolf am I.
