Which Shadowhunters Character Are You?

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Which Shadowhunters character from the main group are you? Are you Simon? Jace? Clary? Who knows! Come to this quiz and find out now! I hope you enjoy it!

From the main group, which Shadowhunters character are you? Are you Izzy? Magnus? Luke? Who knows! Come to this quiz and find out! I hope you enjoy it!

Created by: Elisa Laufeyson
  1. Which quote from the show fits you best?
  2. Which weapon suits you best?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. Which personality fits you most?
  5. Out of these, which is your favorite show?
  6. Which quote fits you best?
  7. What does your perfect date look like?
  8. Are you an optimist, pessimist, or both?
  9. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  10. What would you do if someone called you ugly?

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Quiz topic: Which Shadowhunters Character am I?

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