Which Schoolie teacher are you?

In this quiz you will answer simple personality questions to define who you are most like out of all the Schoolie teachers. Please answer honestly and have fun!

Please do not get upset or cross with your result because its not 100% accurate. Please enjoy and share with friends! Don't take the answers too seriously!

Created by: Hannah
  1. How would you like to be a part of the school?
  2. What month were you born in?
  3. How old are you?
  4. What is your favourite animal?
  5. Where is your dream holiday?
  6. What is your favourite colour?
  7. What is your zodiac sign?
  8. What's your favourite flavour ice cream?
  9. Do you have children?
  10. Who do you want to get?

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Quiz topic: Which Schoolie teacher am I?
