Which Regular Show Character Are You?

Which regular show character are you. take this short quiz to find out. You could be a responsible slacker, an irresponsible slacker, a strict gumball machine or a lazy green human

So who exacltly are you. you just might find out in approximently 5 minutes.Let's see which "Regular Show" Character you will be!!!!!!! Regular show...its anything but

Created by: Samiir

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite food.
  2. Are you a slacker
  3. What is your favorite color
  4. Who's your favorite regular show character
  5. Which sport is the best
  6. What is your favorite instrument
  7. How do you feel about school/work
  8. Which one of these characters is the best
  9. Which of these activities do you like
  10. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which Regular Show Character am I?