Which Pirate Nation are you From?

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This quiz was made to see what Nation from Pirate Maidens someone would be from: Bellator, Maquina, Sanctus, or the Alliance. I hope to see some positive feedback from the test takers.

Enter this world of sexy pirate maidens and join them in the search for the Pirate Queen. Take this test to see what part of the world you are from. Enjoy.

Created by: Logan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite Color?
  2. Weapon(s) of choice?
  3. What's your opinion of pirates?
  4. Do you believe in uniforms?
  5. How does a nation of only women sound?
  6. How do you prefer to attack your enemies?
  7. When you go into battle, how many people do you take with you?
  8. If you had to choose a power, what would it be?
  9. You've encountered another character who wants to join your crew but you already have someone like them. What do you do with them?
  10. How would you rate this quiz???

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Quiz topic: Which Pirate Nation am I From?