Which one of my She-cat Rogue OC's are you? (Warrior cats)

At the end of this quiz! You'll find which one of my OC's you're most like! This quiz was for fun so don't take it seriously because yk. Last sentence of this paragraph is, your pretty!

IGNORE THIS PARAGRAPH. SOME THINGS ABOUT ME* I support everyone/everything! ( not mean ppl or bad stuff )* This is my first quiz so don't hate?*I am very annoying

Created by: Sofia
  1. You open your eyes for the first time. What do you see?
  2. Your brother, FirmKit, comes up to you. He asks,"Wow, your so chubby!" as they sat down.
  3. It's your apprentice ceremony today! Your new name is ....Paw! However the leader needs to see you after.
  4. You look at your brother, FirmPaw. He looked so peaceful in his moss bed. You drag him to...
  5. A day later, you hear cats yowling in shock. You come outside to see your brother's dead body in the clearing. You..
  6. A moon later, the leader calls a clan meeting. You walk outside and sit down. RockStar says,"I have found the cat who has killed FirmPaw. You...
  7. At Moonrise, the leader hosts another meeting. Telling everycat that you murdered FirmPaw. Cats chase you out of camp, what do you do?
  8. Whatever you did worked, the cats soon gave up and ran back to camp. You...
  9. You meet a cat. They seem to be a rogue. Their name is Hunter, a tom. You...
  10. Did you like this quiz :D
  11. BYE

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Quiz topic: Which one of my She-cat Rogue OC's am I? (Warrior cats)
