Which one of my kitties are you?

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Ok, which one of my kitties are you? I'm only including three kitties, cause they are the ones with the most distinct personalities. Kitties are the BEST!!!


Created by: derecho
  1. Ok, so today we're gonna decide which one of my cats you are!
  2. Ok, on a scale of 1 to 10, how shy are you?
  3. Do you ever try to bite off people's fingers?
  4. Are you lazy?
  5. Would you ever attack another kitty?
  6. What color is your fur?
  7. How much do you like fighting other kitties?
  8. How long is your fur?
  9. How much food would ya eat?
  10. Are you scared of thunderstorms?
  11. Ok, BOI!!!

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Quiz topic: Which one of my kitties am I?
