Which One Direction Member Are You?

Most of us know the famous One Direction. Consisting of Niall James Horan,Liam James Payne, Louis William Tomlinson And Harold Edward Styles. They have over 1,000,000 fans from 37 different countries!

So. Which Member of 1D are YOU? Are you the funny laughs-at-everything Niall? Or are you the quieter, not so graceful Harry? Or do you happen to be Louis, or even Liam? Take the quiz and you'll find out!

Created by: Louis
  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. What is ur favorite color
  3. What is your favorite animal
  4. You and your friends are at a party. which of the following would you be doing?
  5. What would the most romantic thing you'd do for a girl?
  6. Which animal would you be?
  7. What do you think is funny?
  8. How do you describe yourself?
  9. Where would you most likely be seen?
  10. If you were stranded with 1 million of an animal, which would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which One Direction Member am I?