Which one are you?

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No, this is not all of us. There's about 7 results here, but there's like 20+ that could've been here. So if you don't get one here, it's possible you relate more with another that didn't want to be added.

Possible results are: Rowan, Cyrus, Lilith, Evelynn, Sophia, Moss, Juliette -- Each with their own personalities, preferences, goals, and desires. This is just a fun quiz, it doesn't matter too much which one you get.

Created by: deleted user
  1. First question! What is your favorite color?
  2. Pick a style! (These are -cores, due to some/most subcultures not being entirely aesthetic based)
  3. What gender are you? Yes, this will add to your score.
  4. What age do you feel most like?
  5. Are you religious? This does not mean just Christian; this includes all religions, including Satanism, Paganism, Buddhism, etc.
  6. Are you more quiet or loud?
  7. Are you more extroverted, introverted, ambiverted, or omniverted? (Introverted doesn't mean shy and extroverted doesn't mean loud)
  8. Do you consider yourself self-centered?
  9. Which one are you hoping to get? :D
  10. Bye bye!

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Quiz topic: Which one am I?
