Which Of The Penderwicks character are you?

Which Penderwick child are you? You could be Jane to Ben or Batty to Skye or maybe even Rosalind to Lydia! The Penderwicks are a very special family and you are a very special person yourself!

Are your Skye? Or maybe Rosalind? Your personality means everything in this quiz! Answer all of the questions to your personality and see who you are most like in the Penderwicks Family!

Created by: Lauren Stewart
  1. Do LOVE soccer?
  2. Would you rather be an Astronaut, Actor or a Baker
  3. Do you get stage fright?
  4. What are your go-to shoes?
  5. Do you like to read?
  6. If you had to spend the night where would you go?
  7. Are you tidy?
  8. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
  9. What color describes you?
  10. Would you prefer a Movie night or a Campout?

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Quiz topic: Which Of The Penderwicks character am I?
