Which Ninjago Next Gen Charcter,Are you.

This is just a quiz for fun.I saw a thing like this and did this for my friends and i Oc's from roblox Ninjago but the quiz is less insane then the game.Some charcters are...

Guy,Willow,Jaycee,Wolfy,Kylie,Chloe,Andy,Jake,Corl,and Leah.Some peope made some up but some i actally interacted with also my oc is willow who idk why is kai's daughter.

Created by: Abbygale.
  1. If you could pick one ninja trio who would u choose
  2. Which Ninja or Ninja's would u like as your parents or parent.
  3. What is Your favorite food.
  4. Favorite Ninjago Season
  5. Which Oc would you like to have?
  6. Which season is your least favorite??
  7. favorite girl??
  8. This is based off of the ninjago roblox game.(won't affect your score."
  9. How old are you
  10. gender??

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Quiz topic: Which Ninjago Next Gen Charcter,am I.
