Which Nightlight are you? (httyd)

Hi, this is my first quiz! This is a quiz on the httyd nightlights and a test to see which one you are. I'm sorry if there are things you disagree on about the facts i have one them.

Also if you want to know where i get this information from, i go it from the homecoming snoggletog film and school of dragons (the multiplayer httyd game). This quiz is just for if yur frustrated with a quiz bc it only gives you what you want. please enjoy!

Created by: Silver dragon fox
  1. When do you prefer to wake up?
  2. You get an award, you;
  3. Who do you feel closer too:
  4. What colours do you preferer;
  5. You see a dyeing animal, you;
  6. you meet a human, you;
  7. where would you rather live?
  8. What would your friends call you
  9. Which one would you prefer to eat;
  10. did you like this quiz? be honest! (it effects your result!)

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Quiz topic: Which Nightlight am I? (httyd)
