which Naruto character are you?

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PLEASE IGNORE THE PERCENTAGE YOU GET! when you get results, you will get a Naruto character, which is similar to you, and can be played the role for you. hard to explain, if you like anime then you can try this quiz. well I know a lot of people don't know what Naruto is but then you can otherwise do this for fun.

i hope you enjoy this quiz and also good luck! and also tell me in the comments if you liked it or not, i tried my best actually so i hope people like this one lmao, anyway good luck again!

Created by: lmao someone
  1. if you saw a homeless kid in your back, who begged for food from you, what would you do?
  2. when you see your enemy coming your way and trying to start a battle with you, would you try to hide, or would you fight with your enemy?
  3. whats your favourite colour?
  4. would you always be with your friends, if you were a team?
  5. (this will be a personal question) are you nice most of the time or usually rude or aggresive?
  6. do you like to have friends or someone close to you?
  7. what type of hairstyle do you like?
  8. lets say your walking somewhere alone, and seeing a person who needs help with something which could be anything, would you try to help that person?
  9. do you like to watch the stars at night?
  10. what type of hair colour would you like to have?

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Quiz topic: Which Naruto character am I?
