Which My Little Pony Are You?

Have you ever wondered which My Little Pony you are? Well, sometimes, it's not about which pony you want to be, but which pony you're meant to be. So, which pony are you?

Are you Twilight Sparkle? Are you smart and clever? Are you Pinkie Pie? Are you always full of fun and excitement? Are you Rarity? Are you always looking pretty? Are you Apple Jack? Are you always willing to help out? Are you Rainbow Dash? Fast and speedy? Or are you Fluttershy? Kind and sensitive? Well, with this quiz, you can find out! So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Created by: Jenell
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What cutie mark would you have?
  2. What are a few things you can not live without?
  3. What are your favorite colors?
  4. Which do you think would describe you?
  5. What would you dress up as on Nightmare Night (, or Halloween)?
  6. Where would you want to live?
  7. Which type of pony are you?
  8. What is your favorite book?
  9. Which pet would you want most?
  10. What job would you want?
  11. How would you style your hair?
  12. Which Element of Harmony are you?
  13. What is your friendship quote?

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Quiz topic: Which My Little Pony am I?