Which Mlp next gen princess are you.

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Mlp Princesses are so boring, let's spice them up with some of my own creation. These princesses each have their own unique style. which one will you be?

There will be four princesses: two one the side of light and two on the side of dark. These are the children of Luna and Sombra, Celestia and, a new character, Sunrise.

Created by: mlpfan59
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. What is your favorite place to be
  3. What is your favorite mlp princess
  4. I you had an mlp princess name, what would it be
  5. What would you describe yourself
  6. Where in Equestria would you want to live
  7. Who would you be best friends with
  8. If you were to get crowned, what color would your dress be
  9. What is 375 + 69,874
  10. I you had a cutie mark, what would it be

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Quiz topic: Which Mlp next gen princess am I.
