Which mha girl are yee? Only girls I know personality of!

Hoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, I'm your hosty persony friendy and I would like to welcome you to my quiz! I only have the ppl I know the personalities of (I think). They still might be inaccurate.

Feel free to try other quizzes from other ppl even though it'd break my heart. I might have some non-kid stuff in here so also feel free to leave! BYEEEEEE!!!!!!

Created by: mhafangirl_otaku
  1. I hate this question... fav color
  2. What quirk would you wanna have (out of the options)
  3. Who's da most smash worthy? (I'M SO SORRY IF U A KID, I SAW IT ON ANOTHER QUIZ I HAD TO ASK!!!)
  4. I ran out so this just gonna be fate with a twist (choose depending on emojis)
  5. Choose the heart design you like most
  6. Which word ticks you off most (I know I'm annoying :3l
  7. Which word are yee most likely to say
  8. Which girl you wanna get (does not affect)πŸ™†β€β™€οΈπŸ˜Ž
  9. Choose fate (does not affect)πŸ™†β€β™€οΈπŸ˜Ž
  10. Choose emoji (does affect this time bish)
  11. Last thing, how are you gonna say byeeeeeee?

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