Which MeadowClan Cat Are You?

This is my first quiz. It's quite fun, and I hope that you enjoy it. This quiz was made using my own OC's as the results. This is a fairly short quiz, with only ten questions, but the questions are pretty good!

Take this quiz to find out what MeadowClan cat you are! Are you the noble leader, Sparklestar? Or maybe one of the wise medicine cats? Or are you one of the many strong, fierce warriors?

Created by: Hello Friend
  1. Which gender are you?
  2. What is your rank?
  3. What color is your eyes?
  4. What is your pelt color?
  5. What is your favorite thing to do?
  6. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  7. What is your best personality trait?
  8. What is your worse personality trait?
  9. What is your worst fear?
  10. What makes you the most embarrassed?

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Quiz topic: Which MeadowClan Cat am I?
